[AI Ethics and International Law: Book] The Real Reason why Tech Policy Matters

From Abhivardhan

This is a post authored by Mr Abhivardhan, our Chairperson. The original post can be accessed here.

Hey LinkedIn folks,

Here's some update for you.

I am restarting my podcast segment in The Bharat Pacific by Indian Society of Artificial Intelligence and Law - also known as #IndusThink, in which I will be sharing some simpler bits about #techlaw, #AIpolicy and #techculture overall in India, and Indo Pacific.

To begin with #IndusThink, let's talk about my book, "Artificial Intelligence Ethics and International Law" published by BPB.

You can get my #AI and #law book at https://amzn.eu/d/bnvjRBt

I know - many people find discussions on tech, AI and policy so hard, that many times it becomes the same monotonous thing. Similar concepts of ethics, similar solutions or something like this might come into your mind - "should I even care about these tech policy updates?"

Here are my 2 cents on this:

You should know tech policy trends not because AI is the new cool, but because there exist so many tech products and services involving #AI that can easily affect your lives.

Ironically, Indians must know about #techpolicy more, because our civil law framework - in governance & dispute resolution is not that proactive.

This is why to avoid #regulatorycapture by big tech players and legacy companies, which will stop #India from becoming an innovation hub (I mean it with all due respect), let's start with the #basics - again.

I am sure this infomercial will make you laugh a little and understand why #AI and #techpolicy affects every Indian citizen, and startup. :)

Indian Society of Artificial Intelligence and Law
The Bharat Pacific
The Bharat Pacific is a digital podcast platform supported by the Indian Society of Artificial Intelligence and Law, offering unique podcasts on global governance, technology policy, and international relations in the Indo-Pacific region.
© Indian Society of Artificial Intelligence and Law.