AI Policy isn't about unasked regulation, but ecosystem & mobility improvement

From Abhivardhan, our Chairperson

Here's a recap for all:

So, I was graciously invited by FDPPI to speak and reveal the third version of India's first AI bill proposal,, aka, the Artificial Intelligence (Development & Regulation) Act, 2023.

I had explained the contents of the bill, and we went into a fascinating discussion around the role of digital intermediaries in India.

You can watch the complete session below.

I also examined bits of the Digital Competition Bill, 2024, and discussed about data-sharing agreements and consenting practices around the processing of data for AI-related purposes.

I am grateful to be invited by FDPPI, and Deepti Bhatia - and I am delighted that the third version of was explored for the first time via this gracious and respectable forum for Indian Data Protection Practitioners.

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