Technology Law is not Replaceable via Legal Technology: Most Indians Don't Understand This
From Abhivardhan, our Chairperson
I find this so strange.
Why do many corporate lawyers in India assume that technology law is not a larger domain? I think I have seen this trend previously in the case of environmental law, when everything was limited to MC Mehta cases and polluter pays principles.
But when you blend the needs of the construction, energy and social sectors, the purpose of environment law changes completely. The Law of Sustainable Development involves construction law, parts of company law, parts of energy law and then some evolved principles of sustainable development.
Ironically, technology law is not merely about some ethical-social debates around the use of technology. We can say that most technology law that will evolve in India regardless of any regulation or not, has to encompass elements of contract law, commercial law, data protection law, telecom law, intellectual property law, economics, public policy and technology management.
I also think many people who sell the narrative of legal technology in India do not realise that technology law is not something which can be superseded by building advanced/ substandard / normal AI-legal tech tools or any legal tech solution.
And it is not limited to the accessibility question of legal technology. Elements of trust and ethics come when human involvement is mainstream & in parallel with focused technology development goals.
Thus, do not worry, technology law as a domain will only grow, and it cannot be replaced by legal tech solutions or AI chatbots which anyways cannot draft even normal standard contracts. Merely building legal tech management suite and calling them "Indian" based on 1 INR token costs does not solve a problem.