Someone made my AI book as their college's text book, and I don't even know 🤣
From Abhivardhan, our Chairperson
Okay, I was scrolling through and I realised that my book, "Artificial Intelligence Ethics and International Law" (get the book at and some publications of the Indian Society of Artificial Intelligence and Law are actually doing rounds across so many book libraries and resource recommendations.
Turns out my book with BPB is referred as a teaching resource by the University of Niagara Falls, Canada for their Masters in Computer Applications programme, while the Tamil Nadu Dr Ambedkar Law University cited my book as a reading reference too.
My book also made rounds in IIT Bhubaneswar, San Franciso Public Library, some Arts College in Singapore and other colleges' Online Public Access Facility.
One university in Tamil Nadu has been extra creative: they have created a whole credit course out of my book and recommended my AI book with BPB as a textbook, and I don't even know it (in 2020)😂 . Consent or recognition, anyone? Maybe we Indians do not respect independent work.
Anyways, this clearly shows that it is sometimes hard for independent people like us to grow through. I always believed in a sense of community, coherence, trust and semblance with all, and it is these values I would keep as we move on.
I love what we are building at Indic Pacific Legal Research LLP and Indian Society of Artificial Intelligence and Law anyways.
August 2024 is finally over, must say.
Have a great weekend folks. I do not have anything special to share today for now.