We are delighted to announce our partnership with Webnyay for the Africa-India Dispute Resolution Dialogues with ODR Africa.
WebNyay offers innovative and technologically advanced service that seeks to resolve B2B, B2C and C2C complaints, conflicts and disputes. According to them, it is a one-stop shop for enterprises looking to resolve civil and commercial disputes (including consumer complaints) and grievances from employees, suppliers and distributors. Their sophisticated document automation technology allows users to generate legal pleadings by simply answering questions and uploading documents (and without having to engage lawyers).
Our Chairperson, Abhivardhan has been delighted to feature WebNyay in his workshop conducted for UpGrad. In his words, the Generative AI use case offered by WebNyay is much helpful, and to the point as a B2B use case.
Our Recent Committee Meetings on September 22-24, 2023

We had some fantastic meetings this weekend for our Global Affairs, R&D and Research Ethics Committees of the AI General Assembly.
We discussed future steps for ISAIL, as an engagement forum, and how to enable more peer-to-peer engagement to generate useful peer-level outcomes for all of our committee members - from outcome reports to documents, to podcasts and even the Indian Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law.
We are thankful to Mr Sanjay Notani, AIGA President for his insights, and also of our noted committee members, especially, Shweta Bhalerao, Dr. Sayali Chandekar, Pavithra Manivannan, Rishabh Bezbaruah, Kailash Chauhan, Tushar Sharma, Nikhil Behl, Angshuman Kaushik, and others. :)
Traversing the Data Portability Terrain: AI's Influence on Privacy and Autonomy
Our research intern, Niharika Palep has written a fantastic insight on the role of data portability in shaping AI’s Influence on Privacy & Autonomy.
Read the complete article at https://www.indicpacific.com/post/traversing-the-data-portability-terrain-ai-s-influence-on-privacy-and-autonomy
Membership Applications are Still Open.
The committee membership applications are closed.
However, the membership applications to the Indian Society of Artificial Intelligence and Law are open throughout the year.
Interested professionals and students may apply by sending their CV / Resume at akash@isail.co.in.
More details are available at indian.substack.com/about