Technology Law ≠ Legal-Tech.
I think I have already said enough multiple times. But then of course, many people still don't know the difference between legal technology and technology law. Many thing they are interchangeable terms - like the palindrome number.
Well in that case, you would enjoy reading this simple explainer, highlighting why technology law and legal tech are entirely different:
Let's clear up a common misconception that's costing organizations time, money, and compliance headaches.
Technology Law:
Shapes the legal frameworks for emerging tech
Governs AI, data protection, and digital sovereignty
Creates rules for how technology should behave in society
Automates legal processes
Enhances law firm efficiency
Uses AI to streamline legal work
❌ Mixing these up?
You might be:
Hiring wrong expertise
Investing in wrong solutions
Missing critical regulatory requirements
💡 Remember: Technology Law creates the rules of the game, while Legal-Tech helps play it better.
In fact, the way the legal tech market reality is saturating by looking at their marketing, and business model issues, I think the word "legal tech" can saturate quite easily. Regtech is going to stay.
That's my view - and you can disagree with me.
Have a solid happy week!