Namaste from ISAIL! | IndoCon 2021 and Much More...
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So, you may know ISAIL through our Founder, Abhivardhan, and even the works published by our team. You may also know ISAIL because of the coveted Indian Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law, whose first International Edition was organised on October 1-4, 2020. Many of you must have registered for the Panel Discussions on Google Meet and had even attended the panels.
Some of you might have followed our podcast show, AI Now, featured by Internationalism Global Podcasts.
We are coming back with the 2nd coveted edition of #IndoCon2021! So, do not miss the opportunity to hear from the best of our speakers and some amazing presentations.
Do not miss this trailer of IndoCon 2021:
This year, the Secretariat has decided to undertake a new policy agenda for the Indian Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Law, 2021.
Thus, we have decided on a universalised and India-centric Global theme for the Conference, which is central to the notion of Cyclical AI.
By Cyclical AI, we mean that phases of growth of human society as a whole, and its civilisations need not be linear in terms of analysing risks that might emerge due to the proliferation of AI products and services. We need an economic approach, which adapts and conditions how random uncertainties become certain as naturally as possible.
So, here is the Grand Theme of the Conference:
The Cyclicity of AI and Human Resilience
As India's Principal Economic Advisor to the Ministry of Finance, Shri Sanjeev Sanyal had stated once:
"Economics is about managing a series of random shocks and their unpredictable consequences. Economists who believe in "equilibriums" also believe in the tooth fairy."
Incidents such as the Suez Canal block, the COVID19 pandemic and its disastrous waves and even the cases of mutation signal towards the same issue.
So, do not miss the event, subscribe at Internationalism Global Podcasts
and, watch the panels live this October 1-3, 2021.
The details of the Panellists will be released shortly.